Jessica turned and found Stefan Cassadine standing behind her. His emerald eyes glittered dangerously in the subdued lighting. "Stefan?"

His perfect teeth were bared in a feral smile. "Jessica." Stefan's low growl sent a tremor up her spine. She stepped back from him in an attempt to safely distance herself from the pull he seemed to have on her senses.

Stefan's arms shot out and enveloped Jessica. Firmly he pulled her against his hard body and held her there.

"What are you doing?" Jessica tried to twist free from the unyielding arms which surrounded her.

Ignoring for the moment the tantalizing sensations the beautiful lawyer's struggle invoked in him, Stefan responded smoothly, "Preventing your fall." He looked down at the edge of the submerged pool, which was inches from their feet.

"You were preventing my fall," Jessica repeated pointedly, "into the pool. Which, in case you haven't noticed, is an occurrence I was dressed for."

"Believe me, Jessica," Stefan growled, "I noticed everything about your attire." His eyes narrowed. "Or lack of it, I should say."

Jessica was suddenly all too aware of the feel of his strong hands upon her bare skin. One hand held her firmly about the waist. The other rested lightly, but intimately, upon the small of her back. Images of what almost happened against the wall at Wyndemere flashed through her mind. Jessica felt her body respond to the stimulating memory.

Stefan Cassadine was no less affected by their close proximity. Jessica's soft breasts pressed against him and unbidden, he felt himself become aroused. Her skin was warm and smooth beneath his hands, and it took all his considerable willpower not to allow them to explore her body.

They stood frozen in the moment. Then Jessica firmly pushed him away. The feel of his hard arousal pulsing against her frightened her and broke the spell. There was no way she would become involved with Stefan Cassadine. Jessica had learned her lesson with Duncan McKechnie.

"Darling!" Lucinda called out as she walked onto the patio, "I see that my wonderful surprise has found you." She blithely ignored Jessica's angry glare. "When Stefan told me that he would be coming to Oakdale, I just knew that you would not want to miss his visit."

"I am grateful for your thoughtfulness, Lucinda. In the months since Jessica so graciously came to my assistance, I have often thought of renewing our acquaintance."

Stefan's words were innocent. On the surface. To Jessica, they screamed loudly of their passionate encounter. An encounter which, in the loneliness of her bed, she recalled in vivid detail each night.

"Darling, come and make yourself comfortable." Lucinda pulled Stefan toward the padded deck chairs nearby. "Take off that jacket and tie." She began tugging at his neckwear.

Stefan took in both Lucinda and Jessica. "I am somewhat overdressed by comparison," he murmured wryly. "If I may?" He nodded toward the pool house.

"Of course, my darling. I believe you left some things here from last time."

"Will I see you here when I return?" Stefan walked over to Jessica and challenged her. "Or will you run?"