Jessica stood so closely pressed against Stefan Cassadine that not even thought could slide between them. Her emotions were such a mass of contradiction that she could not immediately decide whether to push him away in outrage, or draw him closer in relief.

Her body was certainly making its choice known. Jessica felt herself melt against Stefan, who stood unmoving and silent before her. She did not dare look into his eyes. Like a doe staring into the eyes of a lion, the beautiful lawyer knew that with one glance she would be forced to acknowledge her fate.

“Shall we move on?” Stefan lessened the press of his body against Jessica and carefully removed the plates from her nerveless hands. He carried them into the next room and began to arrange the two plates on the table there. Jessica watched his actions with a frown of confusion on her face.

Stefan bit back the smile which threatened to appear. Though he could not see Jessica in the room behind him, he had no doubts that she had been affected by his unexpected move. Her stunned expression as he pressed his body against hers moments ago had been priceless.

He took his time arranging the table. Jessica needed time to regroup. And time to reconsider her belief that Stefan was ‘safe'. A belief he was sure she now had no such illusions about.

After a few moments of quiet, Stefan returned to the kitchen and found Jessica exactly where he'd left her. “Jessica?” His soft inquiry seemed to snap her out of her reverie. She took a deep, steadying breath and turned away from his watchful gaze.

With shaking hands, she tried to lift the lid of the pot nearest her. Strong, warm hands closed over hers and stilled their shaking. Jessica could feel the solid wall that was Stefan's body as he stood behind her. Unlike the encounter moments before, his presence was comforting and safe. “Tell me,” he urged softly in her ear.

Stefan could sense her conflict. Finally she uttered the words, “I'm not ready for this.” It was a humbling admission, and he felt a protectiveness he did not expect for the woman in his arms.

Tenderly he turned her in his arms. “I have no wish to hurt you, Jessica, or play games with your heart.” Stefan caressed her cheek with his thumb. “But there is something between us that will not disappear. We can either ignore it, or we can find the truth together. Whatever your decision, I will abide by it.”