Father and Daughter

This isn't a General Hospital fanfic.  This story takes place in Mario Puzo's Godfather realm.  You don't have to know anything about the movies to enjoy the story, but it helps. By the way, Al Pacino's amazing performance in the Godfather trilogy should not be missed.  (Robert DeNiro and Marlon Brando weren't half-bad either. :-))

Completed 07/30/10

1-2 18-19 38-40 53-54 71
3-5 20-21 41-42 55-56 72-73
6-7 22-24 43-44 57-59 74-75
8-9 25-26 Interlude 60-61 76-77
10-11 27-29 45-46 62-63 78-79
12-13 30-32 47-48 64-66 80
14-15 33-35 49-50 67-68  
16-17 36-37 51-52 69-70  

Index of Stories

*For the record, I admit freely that such a scenario as this would not take place.
The 'Family' is a very closed culture; racist, chauvinist and almost misogynist.
Ahhh, but such is the beauty of fanfic.*

Balance of Power, 2004-2010 , jpenfoldg