The Bed You Make

Chapter 13, concluded

Although the view from the conservatory was admittedly spectacular, Stefan Cassadine knew that his wife stared blindly out at the choppy waters surrounding Spoon Island as she waited for him to conclude his discussion.

“Spasibo.” Stefan ended his quiet conversation and dismissed the stranger with whom he spoke. He returned to Dara's side and watched the waves in silence.

“It's a good thing that I am not paranoid,” Dara remarked wryly. “Or I'd assume that your sudden switch to Russian was to make sure that I didn't understand your conversation.”

“My conversation with Yuri,” Stefan explained simply, “was conducted in Russian because that is his native tongue. It is mine as well.”

Dara turned to face him. “Since I've been at Wyndemere, the only Russian I've heard has come from my tutors - or you, when you're trying to trip me up. Suddenly you feel the need to hold long conversations in it?”

His wife's gentle sarcasm irritated Stefan. “Careful. Your American arrogance is showing,” he chided. “If you have heard only English from the staff at Wyndemere, it is because I have ordered it so.” Stefan raised a brow. “ You are the only one among us who does not speak at least one other language.”

Dara's mouth snapped shut. Stefan's pronouncement was a sobering fact. “The majority of Wyndemere's staff are either Russian or Greek by origin,” he continued. “As such, the two languages are spoken freely here. The English language is learned as a concession to the inevitability of encountering those who do not speak Russian or Greek.”

“I apologize,” Dara offered quietly. “For both my ‘American arrogance', she quoted him, “and for my accusation about your conversation.”

Stefan nodded his head. “Apology accepted.” He offered Dara his hand and led her back to her original seat near the doorway. Stefan sat beside her and stared for a few moments. “The job of District Attorney has been offered and accepted,” he finally said.

Dara's shoulders fell. “Already?” It had only been two hours since her meeting with her former boss. “Are you sure?”

“That is what my conversation was about. Yuri provided me with the information as we spoke.”

“But how?”

“Yuri was concerned by your distress earlier,” Stefan said. “He rightfully assumed I would wish to know the cause. In uncovering the details of your meeting, he also discovered District Attorney Schultz's second option.”

Dara frowned. “Yuri is the guard you had waiting at the courthouse?” She did not remember his features, only his presence. “You trust his information?”

Stefan nodded gravely. “Yuri is the head of Cassadine personal security. I have entrusted him with your protection.”

“Who is it?” Dara asked. “Who did he say would take over the job?”
