The Bed You Make,
chapter 1, continued

Exactly what response was she supposed to give Stefan's remark? There was no way, Dara thought, that she could reply with any degree of truth. The last thing she needed was Stefan Cassadine knowing that his close proximity made her uneasy. He would, with typical male arrogance, conclude that Dara was somehow susceptible to his considerable charm.

Nothing, Dara maintained hastily, could be further from the truth. But in order for her to accomplish the goals she and Nikolas had discussed for the Cassadine family, it was vital that Dara keep the playing field even where Stefan was concerned.

“Is that why you had all my things moved into here? So that we could have somewhere to speak and plan freely?” Dara kept her voice even and unrevealing. She was determined to keep her discussion with Stefan on a businesslike level. Dara had a sneaking suspicion that her new husband enjoyed her discomfort during their little ‘negotiations', and he was prepared to counter her emotional outbursts with calm, reasoned logic.

“I would think it obvious why your possessions are now housed here,” Stefan responded simply. “You are my wife.”

Dara was convinced that the sound she heard was the dull thud of her chin hitting the floor. Stefan's quiet declaration was filled with possessive overtones. “You know,” Dara exclaimed, “now might be a good time for me to present you with a reality check! Our agreement was for a marriage in name only.”

“Such was your presumption,” Stefan countered coolly. “I believe that if you will review the terms of our agreement, no such stipulations were detailed.” He began to unbutton the cuffs of the immaculate black Egyptian cotton shirt he wore.

“Wha-what are you doing?” Dara stammered when his fingers moved to the first button of his shirt. She felt as though her reality had suddenly shifted and she was careening haphazardly down an icy slope with no means to stop.

Stefan continued to unbutton the garment. “I am preparing for our first night together as man and wife.” He paused in his actions. “Have you forgotten Nikolas' proposal that we attend tonight's concert at the Outback?”

Dara's cheeks felt unnaturally hot. Once again her infuriating new husband had deliberately manipulated her reactions. It was apparent from the triumphant glint in Stefan's eye that he had not missed her reaction to his ploy. Despite whatever protests Dara might voice aloud, she had just given Stefan the truth. And perhaps the upper hand.