The Bed You Make
Chapter 31, concluded

Two more files to go and he'd be caught up on all his cases. It would be another couple of weeks before Commissioner Scorpio would sign off on rookies being able to enter case data into the system. Veteran cops like Alex were marking off the days on their desk calendars until they could dump all their paperwork onto the rookies.

Alex glanced at the old-fashioned clock on the wall. There was less than an hour to go before his workday ended. He'd spent most of the day entering case information that he'd allowed to sit just a little too long. The records department was beginning to get on him about it.

These are cases that have all been resolved one way or another, Alex silently argued. It wasn't as if his delay had affected their outcomes, he mused. Unbidden, Marcus Taggert's wry drawl sounded in his head, mocking Alex's flimsy justification for his laziness. Among the other officers, Taggert was known for his almost rigid attention to detail and protocol – with one very notable exception.

Alex sighed and grabbed the next file. A tiny scrap of paper fluttered onto his lap before sliding to the floor. Absently, Alex retrieved the grimy little scrap from beneath the desk and gave it a cursory glance. His name was childishly scrawled with a blue pen that seemed to have skipped nearly every other letter. Al x G rci

The other side of the little scrap was much the same. What little ink there must have been in the pen was only occasionally visible in the message written.

L te. S ange hi gs on Sp n Islan .  ld lady got b ot. S ary faces.  he k it ut.

Alex read the message several times. Between the spotty pen and the abrupt wording, he was having a difficult time deciphering what the note said, much less what it meant. The only thing he was fairly certain of was that the note had come from Munson and that it had to do with the Cassadines.

Munson's message suddenly snapped into focus. The young undercover cop was telling Alex that something had gone down at Spoon Island and Helena had somehow been involved. Late. Strange things on Spoon Island. Old lady got boot. Scary faces. Check it out.

Alex's concern for Dara grew. There was no way he could go another day without seeing for himself that she was okay. One way or another, he was going to get onto Spoon Island and have a face-to-face meeting with Dara. And heaven help the Cassadines if they tried to stop him.