The Bed You Make
Chapter 32, concluded

A career of forging words into weapons did not prepare Dara for the conversation that needed to take place. It was one thing to possess the skill to lay open another human being with a series of well-placed truths. It was totally another to employ that skill against someone you called friend. Dara squared her shoulders and took the telephone from Stefan's hand. "Alex?"

"Are you all right?"

"I am fine. Why are you calling here?"

"I finally get onto Spoon Island and some stranger tells me you've left for Greece, without a word to anyone who cares about you. What are you doing, bella? And please … give me the truth this time!"

Dara winced at the pain in his voice. Alex was a good man, just looking out for a friend whose life had taken an inexplicable one hundred eighty degree turn. If she'd really been in trouble, his concern would have been her salvation. "Stop worrying about me, Alex. That's not your job anymore."

"Let me guess. That's Cassadine's job now?"

"Yes, it is. He's my husband. By my choice."

"You're getting better at telling that lie." Garcia laughed softly. There was no humor in the sound. "You didn't choose Cassadine. You chose his money."

It saddened Dara that Alex's disapproval of her choices would also cost her his respect. She also realized that there would be no better time to sever the friendship she shared with Alex. He would never stop seeking answers if she didn't.

"What happened to you, Dara? What happened to your self-respect?"

Dara gave an uncanny imitation of Alex's bitter laugh. "That's rich. Where is your self-respect, Alex? I mean, I'm not the one stalking a married woman who has told you in every polite way she could to leave her alone!"

There was silence. "Tell Cassadine," Alex finally said, "I hope he enjoys his purchase."