The Bed You Make
Chapter 34, continued

It never crossed her mind that Detective Marcus Taggert's comment about Greece could hold any significance for her. She'd been in America long enough not to automatically think of her family whenever Greece, or even Russia for that matter, were mentioned. Back in Europe, mention of those two places was always Cassadine-related. It couldn't help but be. Here in America, though, it was a different story.

That, Alexis told herself, was why she was so totally unprepared for Taggert's bombshell. Stefan had taken his new bride to Greece, to the very bosom of what made the Cassadine family what they were. He hadn't done that with Bobbie Spencer.

“Stefan is in Greece?”

“Yeah. With Dara.”

“Since when?” Alexis immediately regretted the question. She didn't need to see the speculative gleam in Taggert's eye to know that the handsome detective's curiosity about her relationship with her family had just been piqued.

Since when? ” Marcus repeated slowly. “Now that's something you should be telling me .” The detective leaned back in his chair. Alexis was not fooled by the lazy pose. “Don't tell me that you're out of the family loop, Counselor?”

Alexis schooled her features into an imitation of the unrevealing mask that so often adorned her brother's face. “Contrary to what the citizens of Port Charles believe, Cassadines don't operate by a single mind. My brother doesn't conduct his life according to any standards but his own. As you are well aware,” Alexis added pointedly. Marcus and Stefan had a growing history of intense confrontations regarding just that subject. Their encounters all followed a pattern that those around them had come to know: politely murmured warnings by the detective that, from someone else, could be interpreted as threats, and studied arrogance by her brother that could not be interpreted as anything other than disdain.

“You know,” Alexis mused, “I would think you would be happy that my brother is out of your hair.”

“Normally, Miss Davis, I would be throwing a party to celebrate the fact that your brother's not here treating Port Charles like his own little kingdom. But I can't, ‘cause he's taken a friend of mine a whole continent away ... and I can't protect her there. She's already had one run-in with Helena Cassadine. What's to stop another one?”

“Dara is horribly out of her league being married to my brother, but she's not in danger,” Alexis said calmly. “Stefan won't allow anything to happen to her. It would be an insult to him."