Strange Bedfellows
~ ch. 17, concluded ~


Dara took a deep breath and stepped into the study.  She adopted her most confident persona, the one she slipped into when dealing with a precarious case or a difficult client.  “I apologize if you were kept waiting, Your Honor.”

With a slight nod, Judge Cho accepted the attorney’s apology.  “Where is your sponsor?”  He looked pointedly at the empty doorway behind Dara.  “I requested that all parties return to the study.”

“I am certain that my husband will be here at any moment.”

A stillness fell across the room with the concussive force of a grenade.  “Your husband?”

“Yes.  My husband.  Stefan Cassadine.”

Aristide Cassadine sprang to his feet.  “Your Honor!” he interjected.  “Surely this-”

The judge silenced Aristide with an abrupt wave of his hand.  His gaze locked with Dara’s and for untold minutes he simply sat and stared.

Finally, Judge Cho spoke.  “Less than three hours have passed since I ruled against your eligibility as a candidate for the position of Cassadine Trustee.  In that time you have apparently discovered not only an overwhelming affection for your sponsor, but an abiding desire to spend the remainder of your life with him as his bride.”  The judge raised a skeptical brow.  “Is that what I am expected to believe?”

“With all due respect, Your Honor, my commitment to Stefan was made long before this hearing.  Or your ruling,” Dara said with complete honesty.  She flashed back to that fateful day when she had agreed to the terms of Stefan’s very unusual offer.  “Your decision only served to make me evaluate what was important in my life.”

“And that would be?”

“The promises I made to Stefan, the ones he made to me, and the promises we both made to Nikolas.”

“Vows,” Stefan said from the doorway, “that neither my wife nor I intend to break.”

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