“I would like another chance.”

The silence which followed Duncan McKechnie's statement was deafening. He examined Jessica's expression and awaited her reaction.

“You want another chance,” she repeated. “At what?”

Duncan ignored the coldness of her voice and elaborated upon his request. “I want another chance to be a husband to you, and a father to Bonnie.”

Jessica almost sprang from the couch in order to put some distance between them. Though she had anticipated and mentally prepared for the conversation at hand, hearing Duncan say the words still threw her off.

"I have missed so much this past year. A year of Bonnie's life that I canna get back. I don't want to lose any more of my wee lassie's childhood."

Jessica struggled to keep her voice steady. "You will be a part of Bonnie's life, Duncan. This trip should be proof that I want that for her ." Subtly she stressed the word so that there would be no mistake about where things stood between the two of them.

"Aye," he acknowledged. "And I am grateful, Jess. But it isn't just Bonnie that I want back in my life . . . I know that I hurt you when I chose Shannon-”

“Yes, you did,” she interrupted him quickly, revealing to Duncan the unhealed emotional wound she still carried.

His voice softened. “Aye,” he repeated, “I hurt you when I chose to be with Shannon . . . It was a mistake. One I canna take back.” Duncan raised his hands in a gesture of appeal. “But if you will let me, lassie, I will spend the rest of my days making it up to you.”

“How do you make up shattered trust, Duncan? Or broken faith?” Jessica stood across the room from him. “How do you repair the damage you did to my heart?”

“Jessica,” Duncan took a hesitant step toward her, “all I can do is love you. I never stopped, you know.” Encouraged by her stillness, he moved closer. “All the time I spent with Shannon only made me realize how wrong my choice was.”

“So, what? Am I supposed to feel sorry for you, Duncan?” Jessica felt the tears begin to course down her face. “Sorry that you weren't happy all those nights in her arms, in her bed?!”

“Jessica…” Duncan's voice was soft and soothing.

She stiffened her spine as though to make herself immune against the familiar pull of his deep Scottish burr. No matter what Duncan said or did, he would not get the chance to break her again.

"Jessica, do you remember I asked you once how we could ever get past all the hurtful things our families said about our relationship? If we could forgive Lisa and Beatrice and Lamar?" * He paused a moment. "You said that if we concentrated on the love we knew they had for us, in time we could learn to forgive them."

The silent woman flinched as once again words she had spoken were used as an argument against her.

"Doesn't our love deserve the same chance?" Duncan pressed. "Doesn't our family?"

His point made, Duncan strode to the door. "Think about it, Jess."

*Note: Beatrice is Duncan's grown daughter, living in Edinburgh. Lamar is Jessica's older brother, living in New York. Both, along with Lisa Mitchell (Tom's mother) were outspoken opponents of Jessica and Duncan's interracial relationship. And in Lisa's case, a most surprising opponent.