Jessica took one look at the unblinking stares Duncan and Stefan gave one another and surrendered to the inevitable confrontation it seemed each man desired. She grasped Bonnie's hand and led her from the room. Jessica did not bother to issue a warning to either man.

As soon as mother and daughter cleared the room, Duncan wasted no time in stating his position. “I am here now. You can go.” Stefan smiled at the other man's possessive tone. “If you don't mind, I will allow Jessica to decide that.”

“Aye,” Duncan growled, striding menacingly toward the other man, “but I do mind.” The contrast between the two men's physiques was glaringly obvious. Duncan's broad shoulders and muscled chest could easily have served as an advertisement for a bodybuilding program.

Stefan, deceptively slim by comparison, was not intimidated. A lifelong regimen of the martial art T'ai Chi had molded his muscles into steely bands of sinew and flesh. A physical battle between the two men would be a classic study of might versus skill.

“It is a pity,” Stefan said drolly, “that you were not always so vigilant regarding your family.” Duncan clenched his jaw at the other man's knowing expression. “Perhaps then you would not be so desperate to regain Jessica's trust.”

“You know nothing about my relationship with Jessica or my daughter,” Duncan bit out.

Stefan could not resist. “I know only what Jessica has told me,” he taunted. “You were a fool.”

There was no point in testing the fates. The silence from the next room had lasted far longer than Jessica thought possible, considering the forceful personalities of the two men that occupied the room.

She stepped back into the room to find Duncan and Stefan virtually nose-to-nose. “Neutral corners, gentlemen,” Jessica instructed. “We have managed to avoid bloodshed thus far, so . . .”

“Is everything satisfactory?” Stefan inquired mildly. “The Little One?”

“Bonnie is fine,” Jessica reassured him. “Would you mind if we spoke later?”

Stefan allowed her to lead him to the door. “Of course.” They stood in the doorway and talked quietly. “When you have concluded your discussion with McKechnie,” Stefan said, “join me for an early meal.” He pressed a flat electronic door key into her hand. “Tell Bonnie I promise that there will be absolutely no broccoli on the menu.”

Jessica felt a rush of warmth as she stared into the eyes of the handsome man before her. From the moment he had met Bonnie, Stefan had easily and genuinely enfolded the little girl into his care. Such generosity of spirit did not make the decision before her an easy one.