As the big limousine rolled smoothly along the now familiar route to Jessica's abode, Stefan listened neutrally to the voice that droned on in his ear. Clad in his trademark black suit, the Cassadine Regent at the moment radiated impatience. “None of those matters require my immediate attention, Alexis. I shall attend to them when I return to Port Charles . . . My return is uncertain,” he said in response to her predictable inquiry. “I shall notify you at that time.”

Curtly he cut the connection with his attorney sister. Though their personal relationship was uneasy at the moment, they shared a common dedication to preserving the Cassadine assets for their nephew Nikolas – future leader of the Cassadine dynasty.

Stefan knew that on such matters Alexis would be diligent, thereby freeing him, however fleetingly, to enjoy his time with Jessica Griffin and her young daughter. Thanks to Lucinda Walsh's quick intervention on his behalf, he currently had the opportunity to deepen his relationship with Jessica. Lucinda had not only hastened his departure in order to coincide with Jessica's travel plans, but she had explained to him the reasons behind the lithesome attorney's trip.

He would not use her reasons against her. But Stefan realized that the opportunity to support Jessica emotionally would no doubt present itself during the upcoming week. Taking advantage of such an opportunity was merely the logical thing to do.

“Tom.” Jessica opened the door to find her best friend and law partner standing upon her doorstep. She was not surprised to see him there. “You didn't have to come here. What did you do, close the office?”

“Did you really think I wouldn't at least come to see you off?” he retorted. “Knowing what this trip is doing to you?”

Jessica stepped back and allowed Tom to come inside the house. “I am fine about this trip,” she reassured him.

“At least let me drive you to the airport.”

“That's not necessary, Tom.” Jessica was apologetic. “Stefan Cassadine is picking us up on his way there. In fact,” she continued carefully, “Bonnie and I are flying along with him on his jet to New York.”

Tom leaned his head to one side and considered his best friend. “You're gonna get involved with this guy, aren't you?”

“I don't know,” Jessica admitted honestly. “I'm not thinking about that until this week is over. Really.” She saw that Tom was not convinced by her words. “Stop worrying so about me,” Jessica said softly. “I won't break again.”

Her words were a reference back to that night* . The night Tom had found her broken and grieving the dissolution of her marriage to Duncan McKechnie.

“I never want to see you hurting that way again.” Tom reached out a hand and held her fingers loosely within his. “So forgive me if I'm overprotective.”

Jessica gave Tom's fingers a squeeze. “There's nothing to forgive,” she said. “No matter what happens this week or afterward, I will be alright. I promise.”

*If you're interested in the account of that night, click here.