Stefan stood just inside the closed door and watched as Jessica soothed the little one with calming reassurances and gentle caresses. Gradually Bonnie's tears ceased and he could see her eyelids grow heavy. Within minutes she lay asleep against her mother in that boneless way that only children are able.

"Excuse me," Jessica whispered as she headed for the bedroom. "Of course." Only when Jessica departed the room did Stefan allow his anger to show. Bonnie's fear was a distressing thing for him to observe and he blamed her father for it.

Having spent time with Jessica and Bonnie, Stefan understood all too well McKechnie's feelings of possessiveness. But it did not excuse the manner in which he had behaved. The man was so intent upon posturing before them that he violated what Stefan considered a cardinal rule. A rule that said that the first consideration in any situation was the well-being of one's child. It was a rule Stefan lived his entire life by.

His eyes fell upon Bonnie's small suitcase sitting near the door. Anticipating Jessica's need for it, he lifted it and carried it cautiously toward the bedroom. Stefan stopped just shy of the threshold. Jessica sat on the bed gently stroking the sleeping child's dark curls. She spoke words too soft for Stefan to hear.

Loathe to disturb the moment, he quietly placed the small bag just inside the door and moved softly away.

Nearly an hour had passed since their unexpected encounter with Duncan. Jessica finally felt calm enough to leave Bonnie's bedside. She walked back into the suite's large, bright living room, feeling no surprise that Stefan Cassadine sat patiently awaiting her return. He rose from the straight-backed chair in which he sat and extended a hand. "Come," he directed her.

Jessica did not resist as he led her to the sofa and invited her to sit. She watched as he reached over onto a room service cart and poured a glass of red wine from a bottle waiting there.

Gratefully she accepted his offering. Jessica inhaled the fruity bouquet before taking a small sip. She closed her eyes and allowed the cool wine to slide down her throat.

Jessica knew that Stefan's watchful eyes were on her. She hoped, however, that he would not press her to discuss what happened earlier. The entire episode was still too raw. "Thank you," she said, nonetheless, "for your kindness, your consideration." She opened her eyes and met his. Stefan read easily the weariness in her warm brown eyes. The encounter with her ex-husband had not only been difficult for Bonnie, but her mother as well. "And thank you for not trying to fight my battles," Jessica added.

"If there is one thing I have learned about you, Jessica Griffin," Stefan said with a tender smile on his face, "it is that you do not require help in fighting battles." He reached over and covered her hand with his own. "But should you ever tire and require assistance, know that I stand ready. You need only ask."